Piffaro, the Renaissance Band, produced a two-part program recreating a royal christening that occurred in Stuttgart, Germany in 1616. Works by Leonhard Lechner, Ludwig Daser, Gregor Aichinger, Balduin Hoyoul, and Michael Praetorius made up the first half of the program, a christening mass. The secular half of the program featured music by Cristofano Malvezzi, Emilio de' Cavalieri, Giulio Caccini, Didier le Blanc, and Isaac Posch. Piffaro collaborated with two early music ensembles: Parthenia, a consort of viols, and Blue Heron, a Renaissance chamber choir. Soprano Laura Heimes, and dancers from the New York Historical Dance Company, directed by Dorothy Olsson, performed in the second half of the program. Piffaro, Parthenia, and New York Historical Dance Company also presented educational programs at John Welsh School and Settlement Music School.